Friday, February 12, 2010

Batik Bento Box

This is a queen size Bento Box quilt that I made for my guy for Christmas a few years ago. This pattern goes together quickly because the pieces are quite large and there aren't a whole bunch of seams to line up. I didn't do any kind of fancy quilting on it, just in the ditch. I want to start getting more adventurous with my machine quilting.


The Army of Four said...

It's gorgeous! I have a blue and white Bento Box I still need to quilt... story of my quilting life.
I'd love to see larger images!!!

Psychoquilter said...

Thanks, Karen! Some of the pictures I have on my computer are ones that I took with my old camera. It had a setting that was "best for web", so a lot of the pics got resized. But now that I'm using those pictures for the blog, they look too small on here. Sometime I'll use my new camera and take a different picture of this quilt. Or figure out how to make pics larger. It's painful being a computer dummy, hehe!

Psychoquilter said...

Just experimenting with resizing, haven't got it working the way I want it to yet :)

Christmas Placemats By Linda H.

Linda is ahead of the game for next Christmas, she just finished making a set of placemats. The idea came from the book, Block Magic Too by ...