Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lil's quilt

We had a supervisor named Lil at work for 15 years. Sadly, she was diagnosed with ALS and had to retire from work because her health was failing so rapidly.
We wanted to put on a retirement/farewell party for her, but keep the mood light and fun because we knew what she was facing in the near future. We wanted her to remember a good time.
The usual retirement gift at that time was a picture of Mount Seven, so I asked if she would like to receive one. Her response was "I don't want one of those damn pictures, all I want is one of your quilts!" With a request like that, how could I refuse? I made a Bear's Paw quilt with a prairie point edging. There is quite a colour difference in the two photos. One is taken at the high school textiles room where there are fluorescent lights. (We have our quilt guild meetings there) The other picture is taken in Lil's home where the quilt is on the wall.
Lil passed away about two years after her diagnosis, she was only 58 years old. I still get all choked up every time I think about it.

1 comment:

Psychoquilter said...

I should have said that I worked with her for 15 years, but she was there for 5 years before I started there.

Crazy Christmas Trees Table Runner

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