Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quilters Gone Bad; All Dressed up and No Place to Go; Cat Houses

These are two quilts by Donna Madden, I don't remember the names of them, I'll post the titles when Donna lets me know. I love the square head people!
I was supposed to be getting lengths of fabric cut for a garage sale I'm having next weekend. There is still a lot of fabric from my closed store that needs to thinned out. I kept getting sidetracked because of wanting to start a new quilt, so I was gathering up and cutting fabric for that. Then I was agonizing over which fabrics should be put in the sale bins. I don't want to get rid of any of it, my hoarding tendency kept rearing its ugly head. But hopefully, I've managed to part with enough. I'm also putting a box of patterns in the sale. I had to buy multiple copies of patterns from the wholesalers when I had the store, so there ended up being a lot. I kept a rather hefty pile of them for myself. I sorted through the books awhile ago, kept what I wanted and donated the rest to the Steamboat Mountain Quilters in Edgewater, one of the guilds I belong to.
I'm going to have to live to be 1000 years old to make all the projects I have in mind!


donna said...

all dressed up and no place to go-some of the eye buttons have spread their colour so i feel like i MUST make another.
the other is cat houses because htere is a cat fabric in every window.

Psychoquilter said...

Yes, please make another!

Thermos Bag By Linda H.

Linda has been making Thermos bags for her friends. She measures each Thermos and makes the bag to fit. What a great idea!