Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"Improv" Quilting

In 2013 I made a queen size batik quilt top, then proceeded to quilt it at our retreat. My goal was to quilt over 100 feathered wreaths on it. It was labour intensive because I drew each wreath and stitched it as I went along. That meant breaking thread and taking it off the machine each time. I made the motifs all around the edge, by that time the weekend was over. I was so stiff and sore from man-handling the big quilt through the machine that I had to go for five massage treatments to get the knots out of my shoulders. The incomplete quilt was shoved in the corner for seven years. I couldn't bring myself to continue doing all those feathered wreaths. Yesterday I had an idea- why not finish it with "improv' quilting and discard my original plan? At least the quilt would get finished that way. I can continuously quilt without breaking thread and marking the design. I'm not concerned with how it will look- done is better than perfect.


Thermos Bag By Linda H.

Linda has been making Thermos bags for her friends. She measures each Thermos and makes the bag to fit. What a great idea!