Thursday, December 19, 2019

Two More "Ten Minute" Table Runners

I needed a few more gifts so I thought I would "whip up" a couple more table runners. I figured out the decorative stitches on my Bernina 350 by watching some You Tube videos. The instructions in the sewing machine manual were vague and my old brain couldn't make sense of them. I selected a fancy stitch, then proceeded to sew down the folded triangle corners on one of the runners. I should have stopped right away, but kept going like a fool. The fairly dense stitching was pushing the layers unevenly, by the time I went across, it looked awful and skewed. Out came the seam ripper and I spent a couple of hours picking out the tiny stitches. After removing hundreds of thread pieces with a pair of tweezers, I was ready to try again. This time I used a walking foot and sewed down the triangles with a straight stitch first. Then I picked a different decorative stitch that wasn't as dense as the original. Even though I've been sewing since I was seven years old, then started quilting in 1987, there is always something to learn. I seem to learn everything the hard way. :)

1 comment:

Psychoquilter said...

After I gifted the table runners, I realized the recipients didn't like that sort of thing. Live and learn! Note to self: make sure people are "quilt worthy" before giving a handmade item to them. Sorry, I just had to vent

Thermos Bag By Linda H.

Linda has been making Thermos bags for her friends. She measures each Thermos and makes the bag to fit. What a great idea!