Saturday, January 16, 2021

First Finish Of 2021

It was finished last night- yay! This quilt was started in September after I broke my wrist. About half of the blocks were made when I had the cast on. Very awkward, to say the least. My hand and wrist were still very weak when I pin basted it and the free motion quilting was a struggle at first. I slowly persevered and my hand became gradually stronger. It still isn't 100%, I'm still working on strengthening exercises. Injuries take longer to recover from when a person is older- groan. This quilt is going to be given to a neighbour in the Yukon, where our summer cabin is located. When I was making the blocks, I didn't have enough of the dark grey fabric, so I added a different grey in the centre five rows. Sometimes I need to use what is in the stash instead of rushing out to buy more fabric. :)


Kristina said...

Fun and like the changing grey. Amazing how long it takes for something to really heal.

Psychoquilter said...

Yes, it only takes a split second to fall down and get hurt, but it takes months to recover

Christmas Placemats By Linda H.

Linda is ahead of the game for next Christmas, she just finished making a set of placemats. The idea came from the book, Block Magic Too by ...