Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Dress

Linda H made this dress and jacket for me over six years ago. It started out as an outfit for herself, but it sat unfinished in a box for quite some time. When she unearthed it from the UFO vault, she realized that it was now out of style with broad shoulder pads, a fashion of the Nineties. Linda decided to remake it for me and changed the style of it. I have worn this dress to a funeral tea for Mom, a memorial luncheon for Mom the next year, and two different graduation ceremonies. I hardly ever buy clothes because I mostly wear uniforms at work, then pyjamas once I get home, I don't get out much. :) The Dress came to the rescue today because I need something to wear to a long service award banquet, good thing it still fits on my sagging body! I'm getting a pin for being employed at the same place for 35 years. It's actually 36 years that I've been there, but I didn't go to the awards celebration last year.

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Thermos Bag By Linda H.

Linda has been making Thermos bags for her friends. She measures each Thermos and makes the bag to fit. What a great idea!