Friday, July 16, 2010

Happiness Is

Several years ago, Canadian Living magazine and the Canadian Quilters Association wanted all the quilting guilds in Canada to each make a quilt with the theme "Happiness Is". I made this quilt as our guild's contribution. The title is
"Happiness is: a Warm Quilt Made by Auntie Alma"
The blocks were hand pieced, I didn't know how to do curved piecing on the machine at that time. The quilt is a tribute to my Aunt Alma who made over 100 quilts in her lifetime and gave them all away. It still amazes me how she did that because she didn't have very much of an income. We all know that quilting is an expensive craft!
All these donation quilts were given to the Shriner's Hospital.

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Thermos Bag By Linda H.

Linda has been making Thermos bags for her friends. She measures each Thermos and makes the bag to fit. What a great idea!