Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mom's quilt

This is totally off my beaten path- a pink and white quilt. My mom doesn't like bright colours and a billion different fabrics put together, so I had to restrain myself. Did end up sneaking in a little green and purple, though. Pink is my least favorite colour. I don't mind it when it's in a bold batik. Mom has been using this quilt on her bed for quite a few years now, I made a pillow and wall hanging to go with it. There isn't a place to hang the wall quilt where she lives now, so she gave it back to me.


The Army of Four said...

Oh, man. I really like it, though!
I recently made a quilt for my mom that was outside of what I'd normally work with - color-wise. It's HARD! :)

Psychoquilter said...

The source for this pattern is an old Quiltmaker magazine from many years ago. I think they called the pattern "Summer Breeze".

Thermos Bag By Linda H.

Linda has been making Thermos bags for her friends. She measures each Thermos and makes the bag to fit. What a great idea!